Seferihisar Villages: Peaceful spots waiting to be discovered

Seferihisar Villages: Peaceful spots waiting to be discovered

Seferihisar is one of the most remarkable districts of Izmir and has the title of Turkey’s first slow city. Seferihisar, known for its calm lifestyle and natural beauties, has 9 villages. Here are some of these villages:

1. Turgut Village
Turgut Village, famous for its lavender gardens, attracted attention with the lavender planting project of Seferihisar Municipality. The village, which used to stand out with citrus fruits and animal husbandry, now fascinates its visitors with the scent of lavender.

2nd Duzce Village
Düzce Village, one of the closest villages to Seferihisar center, is known for its historical texture and proximity to Azmak Bay. The village attracts attention especially with its historical buildings and natural beauties.

3rd Orhanli Village
Orhanlı, the largest and most populous village of Seferihisar, has a large residential area. Located in the valley formed by the Karakoç Stream, the village is surrounded by Mediterranean maquis and forests.

4. Gödence Village
Gödence Village is famous for its olive oil production and has been accepted into the Cittaslow Association. The village is surrounded by olive groves, orchards and vineyards.

5. Golcuk Village
Gölcük Village, located 50 km from İzmir city center and 23 km from Seferihisar district center, takes its name from a small pond. The village is surrounded by vineyards and olive groves. The villages of Seferihisar are peaceful places where nature and culture are intertwined. These villages offer visitors unforgettable memories with their natural beauty and tranquil lifestyles. On your next vacation, don’t forget to explore the villages of Seferihisar!