Çıfıt Island Izmir’s Walkable Paradise

Çıfıt Island Izmir’s Walkable Paradise

Çıfıt Island, located in Seferihisar district of Izmir, the pearl of the Aegean Sea, is a treasure waiting to be discovered for nature and history lovers. Known as Myonnesos in ancient times, the island is also known as Çıfıt Castle today. Thanks to the island’s proximity to the land, it is possible to reach on foot with sea shoes. However, caution is needed as the sea embankment has deteriorated.

How to get to Çıfıt Island?

The island is located in the Doğanbey neighborhood of Seferihisar, making transportation easy. You can reach the island by setting off from Seferihisar, passing the Ipsili/Doğanbey intersection, proceeding about 3 kilometers and turning right. At this point, you can be alone with nature and explore the ruins that smell of history.

What to do on the island?

Çıfıt Island is a perfect destination for those who want to camp. However, since there are no trees and no facilities on the island, you need to plan your needs such as toilets, showers and grocery stores in advance. Çıfıt Island, an ideal place to spend a peaceful day in touch with nature and trace the traces of history, awaits its visitors.