Ancient Cities Near Seferihisar: A Journey into History

Ancient Cities Near Seferihisar: A Journey into History

Seferihisar draws attention with its rich historical heritage as well as its natural beauties. Here are the ancient cities close to Seferihisar:

  1. Teos Ancient City

Teos, 5 km from Seferihisar, is famous for its Temple of Dionysus and ancient theater with its history dating back to 1000 BC.

  1. Lebedos (Lebedus)

Lebedos, located 15 km north of Seferihisar, draws attention with its bath and theater ruins.

  1. Myonnesos (Cifit Island)

Çıfıt Island is a peaceful escape with its ancient ruins and natural beauties.

  1. Erythrai (Ildiri)

Erythrai, located in Ildırı Village of Çeşme, is famous for its Athena Temple and theater.

  1. Ancient City of Ephesus

Ephesus, which is about 70 km from Seferihisar, is one of the most important ancient cities in the world. Known for its buildings such as the Temple of Artemis, the Library of Celsus and the Grand Theater, Ephesus attracts thousands of visitors every year. Ephesus, an important trade and cultural center of the ancient world, fascinates its visitors with its rich history and architecture.


The ancient cities in and around Seferihisar offer excellent routes for those who want to travel deep into history. Surrounded by natural beauties, these historical regions will allow you to collect unforgettable memories in the fascinating atmosphere of the Aegean. On a trip to Seferihisar, you can visit these ancient cities and enjoy this unique experience where history and nature are intertwined.